Source code for simplewebdavclient.simplewebdavclient

import logging
import requests
from numbers import Number
import xml.etree.cElementTree as xml
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from .exceptions import CouldNotDetermineProtocol, OperationFailed
from .checkers import check_tcp_udp_port_number
__author__ = 'Benjamin P. Trachtenberg'
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2018, Benjamin P. Trachtenberg"
__credits__ = 'Benjamin P. Trachtenberg'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__status__ = 'prod'
__version_info__ = (1, 0, 2)
__version__ = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__))
__maintainer__ = 'Benjamin P. Trachtenberg'
__email__ = ''
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FileData(object): """ Class to store a file info :type resource_url: String :param resource_url: The resource URL :type resource_name: String :param resource_name: The name of the resource :type file_size: String :param file_size: The file size :type modified_time: String :param modified_time: The modified date/time :type creation_time: String :param creation_time: The creation date/time :type content_type: String :param content_type: The content type """ def __init__(self, resource_url, resource_name, file_size, modified_time, creation_time, content_type): self.resource_url = resource_url self.resource_name = resource_name self.file_size = file_size self.modified_time = modified_time self.creation_time = creation_time self.content_type = content_type
[docs] def get_resource_url(self): """ Method to get the WebDav resource url :rtype: String :return: A resource url """ return self.resource_url
[docs] def get_resource_name(self): """ Method to get the WebDav resource name :rtype: String :return: A resource name """ return self.resource_name
[docs] def get_file_size(self): """ Method to get the WebDav resource file size :rtype: String :return: A resource file size """ return self.file_size
[docs] def get_modified_time(self): """ Method to get the WebDav resource modified date and time :rtype: String :return: A resource modified date and time """ return self.modified_time
[docs] def get_creation_time(self): """ Method to get the WebDav resource creation date and time :rtype: String :return: A resource creation date and time """ return self.creation_time
[docs] def get_content_type(self): """ Method to get the WebDav resource content type :rtype: String :return: A resource content type """ return self.content_type
[docs] def is_dir(self): """ Method to check to see if WebDav resource is a directory :rtype: Boolean :return: True or False """ if self.resource_url.endswith('/'): return True else: return False
[docs]class Client(object): """ Class for WebDav Client :type host: String :param host: IP of the server :type port: Integer :param port: The TCT/UDP Port Number :type auth: String :param auth: Session auth :type username: String :param username: Username :type password: String :param password: Password :type protocol: String :param protocol: http, or https :type verify_ssl: Boolean :param verify_ssl: True or False :type path: String :param path: The path to the resource :type cert: String :param cert: Session cert :raises CouldNotDetermineProtocol: If protocol is not http or https """ def __init__(self, host, port=None, auth=None, username=None, password=None, protocol='http', verify_ssl=True, path=None, cert=None): if not port: if protocol == 'http': port = 80 elif protocol == 'https': port = 443 else: raise CouldNotDetermineProtocol('Class: {class_name} could not determine port for ' '{protocol} port given was ' '{port}'.format(class_name=type(self), protocol=protocol, port=port)) check_tcp_udp_port_number(port) self.base_url = '{protocol}://{host}:{port}'.format(protocol=protocol, host=host, port=port) if path: self.base_url = '{base_url}/{path}'.format(base_url=self.base_url, path=path) self.current_working_directory = '/' self.session = requests.session() self.session.verify = verify_ssl = True if cert: self.session.cert = cert if auth: self.session.auth = auth elif username and password: self.session.auth = (username, password) def _send(self, method, path, expected_code, **kwargs): """ Method to send data to WebDav server :type method: :param method: WebDav Method :type path: String :param path: WebDav Path to resource :type expected_code: Number :param expected_code: Expected HTTP Status Codes type kwargs: KWARGS :param kwargs: Key Word Arguments :rtype: requests.response Object :return: A response """ url = self._get_url(path) response = self.session.request(method, url, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs) if isinstance(expected_code, Number) and response.status_code != expected_code\ or not isinstance(expected_code, Number) and response.status_code not in expected_code: raise OperationFailed(method, path, expected_code, response.status_code) return response def _get_url(self, path): """ Method used to get a good url :type path: String :param path: Path from the root directory :rtype: String :return: A good url """ path = str(path).strip() if path.startswith('/'): return self.base_url + path return "".join((self.base_url, self.current_working_directory, path))
[docs] def change_current_working_directory(self, path): """ Method to change your current working directory :type path: String :param path: Path from your root :rtype: None :return: None """ path = path.strip() if not path: return stripped_path = '/'.join(part for part in path.split('/') if part) + '/' if stripped_path == '/': self.current_working_directory = stripped_path elif path.startswith('/'): self.current_working_directory = '/' + stripped_path else: self.current_working_directory += stripped_path
[docs] def directory_create(self, path, safe=False): """ Method to make a directory :type path: String :param path: Path from your root :type safe: Boolean :param safe: If set to True it will silently do nothing is if directory already exists :rtype: None :return: None """ expected_codes = 201 if not safe else (201, 301, 405) self._send('MKCOL', path, expected_codes)
[docs] def directories_create(self, path): """ Method to create nested directories :type path: String :param path: Path from your root :rtype: None :return: None """ directories = [d for d in path.split('/') if d] if not directories: return if path.startswith('/'): directories[0] = '/' + directories[0] old_working_directory = self.current_working_directory try: for directory in directories: try: self.directory_create(directory, safe=True) except OperationFailed as e: if e.actual_code == 409: raise finally: self.change_current_working_directory(directory) finally: self.change_current_working_directory(old_working_directory)
[docs] def directory_delete(self, path, safe=False): """ Method to delete a directory :type path: String :param path: Path from your root :type safe: Boolean :param safe: If set to True it will silently do nothing is if directory already exists :rtype: None :return: None """ path = str(path).rstrip('/') + '/' expected_codes = (200, 204) if not safe else (200, 204, 404) self._send('DELETE', path, expected_codes)
[docs] def resource_delete(self, path): """ Mwethod to delete a resource :type path: String :param path: Path from your root :rtype: None :return: None """ expected_codes = (200, 204) self._send('DELETE', path, expected_codes)
[docs] def upload(self, local_path_or_fileobj, remote_path): """ Method to upload files to WebDav Server :type local_path_or_fileobj: String :param local_path_or_fileobj: The path :type remote_path: String :param remote_path: The path :rtype: None :return: None """ expected_codes = (200, 201, 204) with open(local_path_or_fileobj, 'rb') as file: self._send('PUT', remote_path, expected_codes, data=file)
[docs] def download(self, remote_path, local_path_or_fileobj): """ Method to download files from WebDav server :type remote_path: String :param remote_path: The path :type local_path_or_fileobj: String :param local_path_or_fileobj: The path :rtype: None :return: None """ download_chunk_size_bytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024 expected_codes = 200 response = self._send('GET', remote_path, expected_codes, stream=True) with open(local_path_or_fileobj, 'wb') as file: for chunk in response.iter_content(download_chunk_size_bytes): file.write(chunk)
[docs] def resource_list(self, remote_path='.'): """ Method to list resources on the WebDav server :type remote_path: String :param remote_path: The path :type: List :return: A list of FileData objects """ headers = {'Depth': '1'} expected_codes = (207, 301) response = self._send('PROPFIND', remote_path, expected_codes, headers=headers) # Redirect if response.status_code == 301: url = urlparse(response.headers['location']) return self.resource_list(url.path) tree = xml.fromstring(response.content) return [self.__file_object_builder(element) for element in tree.findall('{DAV:}response')]
[docs] def resource_exists(self, remote_path): """ Method to verify if a resource exists on the WebDav server :type remote_path: String :param remote_path: The path :rtype: Boolean :return: True or False """ expected_codes = (200, 301, 404) response = self._send('HEAD', remote_path, expected_codes) return True if response.status_code != 404 else False
[docs] def get_current_working_directory(self): """ Method to get current working directory :rtype: String :return: The current working directory """ return self.current_working_directory
[docs] def get_base_url(self): """ Method to get base url :rtype: String :return: The base url """ return self.base_url
[docs] @staticmethod def get_xml_element(element, element_name, default=None): """ Method to retrieve the data from the xml tree :type element: String :param element: The xml element :type element_name: String :param element_name: The property :type default: String :param default: What to set default to :rtype: String :return: A String """ child = element.find('.//{DAV:}' + element_name) return default if child is None else child.text
def __file_object_builder(self, element): """ Method to build FileData objects :type element: String :param element: The xml element :rtype: FileData Object :return: A FileData object """ return FileData(resource_url=self.get_xml_element(element, 'href'), resource_name=self.get_xml_element(element, 'displayname'), file_size=int(self.get_xml_element(element, 'getcontentlength', 0)), modified_time=self.get_xml_element(element, 'getlastmodified', ''), creation_time=self.get_xml_element(element, 'creationdate', ''), content_type=self.get_xml_element(element, 'getcontenttype', ''))